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<Previous Edition | Volume 22 Number 3 2005 | Next Edition>



The Historical Jesus Among the Rabbis: Prayer, Divorce and Earthly Rewards
The Revd David Instone-Brewer is Reasearch Fellow at Tyndale House.

In this article David Instone-Brewer compares the recorded teachings of Jesus to what is now known about the teaching of rabbis in the first half of the first century. He looks at three examples: prayer, divorce and earthly rewards. In each case knowledge of the Rabbinic teachings illuminate the meaning of the recorded words of Jesus. Jesus is shown to challenge, subvert and nuance the common teachings of his day. In addition, if emerging knowledge of these early traditions is ignored then it is very difficult indeed for the words of Jesus to be understood in their original context, or applied appropriately today.

Mission-Shaped Worship

The Revd Dr Stephen Burns is the Tutor in Liturgy at The Queen's Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, Birmingham.

In this article Stephen Burns takes the classical four-fold shape of Christian worship - gathering, word, table, sending - and considers how this shape has been affirmed in the development of modern liturgical resources. Taking this shape as a pattern he considers how it might be used and interpreted in both 'solid' and 'liquid' forms of church, offering many practical suggestions for use. He considers how this shape of worship might be used to nurture a community towards a shared sense of mission.

Neither Open nor Conservative: J.C. Ryle, Radical Evangelical

The Revd Ian D. Farley is Team Rector of Buckhurst Hill, Essex . He is the author of J.C.Ryle: First Bishop of Liverpool, Paternoster, Carlisle 2000.

This is the first article in the series 'Roots in the Past' looking at the historical and contemporary significance of some key Anglican Evangelicals. Here Ian Farley considers the life of J.C. Ryle, appointed the first Bishop of Liverpool in 1880. Esteemed in his own times, and again since the 1950s, primarily as a preacher, his significance is considered under four titles: unity, social reform, mission-shaped church and preaching.

Conference Report: Why Did Christ Die? A Symposium on the Theology of Atonement , sponsored by the Evangelical Alliance and the London School of Theology, 6-8 th July 2005

Dr Mark J. Cartledge is Lecturer in Christian Theology at the University of Wales , Lampeter.  

The publication of the book The Lost Message of Jesus by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann caused wide-spread debate in Evangelical circles on the theology of the atonement. Mark Cartledge reports on the symposium held at the London School of Theology to further public debate on the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement.




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